Thursday, May 26, 2005

I feel so much cared for...

I was sitting on the steps of the Planetarium at 9:30 in the morning. It was an hour before the lectures would start. I saw a friend approach. He had come all the way there inspite of his busy work, after reading my blog.... JUST to enquire what happened to me.... to know why i was heartbroken! At first... I thought he was joking.... Then I realized that he really meant it..... I felt so much cared for... inspite of the strange ironic circumstance (Right now... probably only two ppl apart from me can understand why it was ironic). Thanks a lot maan... I know u will read this.

Yet another thing happened... After i returned home... I see an old friend online on Y! messenger. He is not here in Bangalore now... So, the only way we communicate is phone(rarely) email and IM(often). He was there waitin in a cybercafe for me to come online... for 3 hrs.... after he came to know why I was heartbroken. Again.... I felt so much cared for...

I read all the comments on the post.... Everyone is so supportive.... even though many of 'em hardly even know me!

Inspite of felling heartbroken,.... I feel so much cared for.... Indeed.... the world is a nice place!

However,.... the only way out of my heartbroken state seems to be blogging, books and photography. I will try to be glued to 'em. It might sound a bit like Silas Marner getting obsessed with his loom and guineas... But I somehow dont pity him.... he was probably enjoying it!

Current mood : Still heartbroken, but yet trying to recover.
Currently listening to : Bhool Ja - Shaan

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