Monday, June 13, 2005

Back to work

I love to do experiments at the planetarium lab. But however, I couldnt for quite a long time, for various reasons, ranging from heartbroken-ness, busy-ness and attending summer lectures at the Planetarium to sleepines and playing AOE2 (Age of Empires II) against my bro.

Now that I'm all settled, (heart is ok, not so busy, summer lectures over, dont feel like sleeping, bored of defeating my bro in AOE2 everytime), I'm goin to the P'rium lab regularly. I have to still verify my equation for the dynamics of the double cone (see bottom portion of pic for the apparatus). And while I'm working out different ways to measure the instantaneous velocity of the cone, the experiments the other guys are doing, suddenly interests me. From next moment on, I'm doin thier expt (dumping my double cone).

Meanwhile, although memories keep resurfacing......both pleasant and not..... I'm handling them better now. I somehow feel I'm back in form .... in almost everything.

Current mood : Rocking, yet a bit of inner torment.
Currently listening to : I cry silenty - Westlife

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