Sunday, August 14, 2005

Net Connection is back!

I'm back to the blogosphere now!

After more than two weeks after booking for the DataOne connection, it has finally arrived! Its supposed to be a 256 kbps connection, but it actually gave around 380 kbps when we conducted some bandwidth tests! (Huh! But there's a 1 GB/mo traffic limit).

Whatever,.... my blog posting, visiting and commenting rates will improve now, inspite of some tight times at NCBS. I'm going there every day now. My time is totally packed, isolating virgin flies and setting up crosses.

Now that I'm back, I'll update the photoblog with the many new ones I've taken!

I just noticed that u dont need 'Hello' to add photos onto ur blog.

Current mood : Chillaxed.... Listening to Music after a loooong time.
Currently listening to : Best of my Love - Eagles

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